Ren Xue Teacher / Practitioner
Experience true happiness and freedom through the practice of Ren Xue.
About Me
Steve Campbell
Fully Qualified REN XUE Patractitioner
I would love to share this wonderful life cultivation system with you. I truly believe that, with good intentions and applying it diligently, you can make profound changes to your life. It has completely turned my life around, which I did not think was possible. At 50, I felt like my body and my world were falling apart, even though everything seemed fine on the surface. I thought that I was living and practising a healthy lifestyle, but my internal reality was very different.
I knew I needed to change from deep within. I had been searching for many years for a practice that could help take me home to my true self; however, I didn’t think anything like that really existed until I attended a REN XUE retreat in New Zealand in 2017, and I instantly knew that I had found something very special, not just for me but for the whole of humanity.
Steve's passion for the practice and his understanding of the teaching is apparent. He takes you through the exercises with a gentle, nurturing and understanding heart. He lives by what he teaches.
Yuan Tze
Founder of Ren Xue
Yuan Tze was born in 1962, in an old town near the estuary of a river in Jiangsu province, on the east coast of China. Yuan Tze was exposed to and influenced by traditional Chinese wisdom culture from early childhood. In his teenage years, he began training seriously under the influence of many respected teachers and masters in their fields, which has continued throughout his life. Through this, he has distilled profound knowledge and expertise in Qigong, TCM, martial arts, Tai Chi and the wisdom philosophies of the East. His piercing, objective analysis of the problems humanity faces, both at the individual and societal levels, drove him to the fundamental issues that need to be addressed, rather than superficial panaceas. REN XUE, the overarching system he developed, offers a clear, step-by-step process, through nine methods of Yuan Qigong, to address these issues.